Saturday, December 17, 2016

Analogue Challenge - A Test of the Picture Submission Protocol

One of the requirements of the Challenge is that good quality pictures of painted miniatures be submitted.  Pictures can be a max of 1000 pixels in width.

In the past I have not had a lot of success in taking good quality pictures of my miniatures.  I'm practicing a bit with different camera settings and lighting to find the right recipe so that I don't embarrass myself in the Challenge.

Here are a few pictures of projects currently on my workbench to test out my picture protocol.

First up is a American Civil War Union general.  The base needs to be flocked. This was a quick paint job, so not my best work.  The figures are Pendraken 10mm.

Next, a work in progress ... 10mm Pendraken ACW Confederate infantry.

Finally, American Revolutionary War Continental infantry (again, Pendraken 10mm) ... cleaned and primed for the Challenge.

These pictures turned out pretty well.  I'll continue to tinker with the formula in the future, but at least now I'm confident I can submit some reasonably good pictures for the Challenge.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 2016-17

The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is an annual painting competition in which participants paint as many miniatures as possible from Dec. 20th to March 20th.

Over the past three years I have had a great time as a spectator of the Challenge, marveling at the quantity and quality of the miniatures produced by the participants.  For a variety of reasons I have not had the guts to tackle the Challenge.  No longer!  It has been a tough couple of past months at work.  I need a distraction.

Over the past two weeks I have been spending time cleaning and priming many of the miniatures I plan to paint for the Challenge.

Another motivation for participating in the Challenge this year is that I have a project that I have taken on that requires quite a bit of painting.  My colleague at work (small public university) is teaching a course on the American Revolution.  I have offered to host a miniatures wargame of an American Revolutionary battle.  Last year I hosted two American Civil War battles when the same colleague taught a course on the Civil War.

I have decided to put together a scenario of the Battle of Hubbardton (July 1777) which was a small rear guard action during the Saratoga, NY campaign.

In future posts I will document my progress in the Challenge and in completing the Battle of Hubbardton project.

You can follow the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge here.